People update and annual pay gap report


At Big Society Capital, we recognise that diverse and inclusive workplaces require consistent education, energy and action. Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) action plan for 2020 – 2025, sets out our objectives to continue to build an inclusive culture. We are taking deliberate steps to build inclusivity and ensure equality of opportunity for all by promoting diversity and working to close any identified gaps, including the gender and ethnicity pay gap.

Whilst a direct comparison cannot be drawn from disparities in gender and ethnicity pay (due to differing influencing factors), by publishing both sets of data we are ensuring that we are intentional in our drive for change. By working to improve both our gender and ethnicity pay gap, we will continue to actively encourage an inclusive culture where everyone can succeed at Big Society Capital.

We are committed to transparency in our approach to how we pay our employees and whilst we are making steady progress, we know there is more to do. This year we welcome the continued reduction in our gender pay gap, although we acknowledge that on average, males were paid more in comparison to females in 2020.

By continuing to combine the voice of our colleagues with external expertise, we will work towards eliminating gender and ethnicity related disparities in pay at Big Society Capital.

People update and annual pay gap report