Current vacancies


We regularly update this page with current vacancies so if you do not see anything at this time, please do check again.

We are always keen to hear from people from a diverse range of backgrounds who are interested in joining the Big Society Capital team. Register your interest to work with us.

Current vacancies

  • Head of Communications

    This senior role offers an outstanding opportunity to help shape the future of the social impact investment market and lead the positioning and communications strategy for the UK’s leading social impact investor.

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  • Assistant Legal Counsel

    This role is perfect for a junior transactional lawyer looking to make their first move in-house. It will be an interesting and varied role with the ability to become involved and play an essential role in transactions at the forefront of social impact investing.

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  • Impact Consultant - Housing

    We are looking for an Impact Manager or consultant that can support BSC’s efforts to create more safe, secure and affordable homes for people in the UK.

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Considering a career in the social impact investment sector?

If you're interested in exploring other opportunities within the social investment sector, we have a list of sites which you may find useful.

Danica Gordon

Nica Gordon

People & Talent Officer
Talk to me about:
People & Talent functions and HR